1·In 1973 sociologist Mark Granovetter showed how the loose acquaintances, or "weak ties", in our social network exert a disproportionate influence over our behaviour and choices.
2·It was Granovetter who first coined the term "weak-ties", which he used to refer to people's loose acquaintances—in other words, friends-of-friends.
3·Indefinite objectives, loose management, weak motivation and heavy task, one-way learning contribute to the missing effectiveness.
4·There exists many problems on people's jury, such as weak sense of participation, loose methods of election, low professional quality, less enthusiasm for work and inefficiency in material guarantee.
5·A weak loose blasting is adopted to successfully demolish the jamb wall of wall at edge of slope, the blasting safety is ensured in a complex environment.
6·River Zhi orchid the small face all take out to make one regiment and have loose bowels to lower an efficacy of medicine, so that insect son took advantage of a weak point!
7·For example, relatively soft material, such as soil, gravel, loose or weak rock, can be removed by digging.
8·Widowed Li Wan is simple, weak and in a state of complete apathy. Qin Keqing on the other hand is unscruplous, loose and amorous. Yet they both have the same tragic fate.